Do you think you are healthy by eating fruits & vegetables?

The Most Contaminated Fruits & Vegetables


Apples and Pears:

The FDA states that more pesticides are found on apples than are found on any other fruit or vegetable. There is 36 pesticides on the apples. These pesticides are linked to damages to the human reproductive system, damages to the brain and nervous system, including decreased intelligence and increased attention problems in children, and damages to the immune system.

*Scrubbing and peeling a fruit doesn't eliminate chemical residue completely so it's best to buy organic when it comes to apples.


52 pesticides and are now considered one of the dirtiest berries on the market.


Vineyards can be sprayed with 35 different pesticides during different growth periods during the season and no amount of washing or peeling will eliminate contamination because of the grape's permeable thin skin.

Peaches & Nectarines:

45 different pesticides are regularly applied to these delicately skinned fruits in conventional orchards.

Strawberries & Cherries

Strawberry plantations average a dose of up to 500 pounds of pesticides per acre.



Celery has no protective skin, which makes it almost impossible to wash off the 29 different chemicals that are used on conventional crops.


Leafy greens are frequently contaminated with the most potent pesticides used on food.

Green Beans

There are over 60 pesticides that are registered for use on green beans in the U.S.


Cucumbers were ranked the 12th most contaminated food and the second in cancer risk due to their pesticide content.

Winter Squash

Winter squash is often contaminated by Dieldrin, a very toxic and carcinogenic insecticide. It still gets absorbed through its roots even though this toxin was banned in 1974.


Root vegetables, such as potatoes, rank highest for pesticide residue. They absorb herbicides, pesticides and fungicides in the soil. Potatoes, for example, are treated with fungicides during the growing season, then sprayed with herbicides to kill off the fibrous vines before harvesting. After they're dug up, the potatoes are treated yet again to prevent them from sprouting.


They have thin skins that don't offer much of a barrier to pesticides.

They are one of the most heavily sprayed vegetables out there and may be coated with nearly 40 commonly used pesticides meant to keep them insect-free.


Their easily punctured skins are no match for chemicals that will eventually permeate the whole tomato.

Also avoid CANNED tomatoes. The resin linings of tin cans contain bisphenol-A (BPA) - a synthetic estrogen that has been linked to a variety of health problems, including reproductive problems, heart disease, diabetes and obesity. The primary characteristic of tomatoes are their acidity which draws BPA out of the lining and allows it to leach into the tomatoes.

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