Changing Times

Hello All,

Apologies it’s been quiet sometime since I wrote my last article. I have been living a crazy hectic life & going through many transitions.

I truly miss writing, informing, inspiring & educating so I will continue to endeavour to write articles that a simple, straight to the point & motivating.

This year seems to be FLYING by (I am sure nearly 99.9% of you can agree its incredible how fast we got to the end of year!)… frightening?!
Its important to STOP, breathe, look around, challenge yourself & others and give gratitude to where you are in your life & what is happening around you now as many shifts are happening. Where you are in your life & what you are experiencing is exactly where you need to be.
We are in a time that we need we reassess our directions, our paths, the people around us & where our priorities lie. I believe that by eating consciously, becoming aware of what we put into our bodies will help clear energy blocks and help you to reach your fullest potential. When our bodies are clean & clear this allows your mind to focus on manifesting and creating the life you want & becoming open to the universal energy

Stay tuned for more interesting articles, delicious recipes, informative facts & inspiring photos.

Love, Light & Namaste`

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